SNAME  Myas coreanus (Tschitsherine, 1895)
JNAME  murasakioogomimushi
Collection ground Matsuyama, Ehime Pref. 1972/7/3
Distribution Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu
Ecology flatland (Yamaguchi museum 1988), mountainous area (Yamaguchi museum 1988), coppice forest (East Japan Research Group of Carabid Beetles 1989), Pinus densiflora forest (East Japan Research Group of Carabid Beetles 1989), woods (Sunose 1992, Sunose and Kurosawa 1992), riverbed (Ishii et al. 1996), coming flying to the lights (Suda 1989, Kasahara and Nishiyama 1990, Kasahara and Matsui 1997)