SNAME  Agonum ogurae (Bates, 1883)
JNAME  ogurahiratagomimushi
Collection ground Mihara cho, Hyogo Pref. 2001/10/6
Distribution Honshu, Kyushu
Ecology near the water of lakes, ponds etc (Habu 1978e), forest adjoinig agroecosystems (Yahiro et al. 1990), wetlands (Kasahara and Nishiyama 1990, Takakuwa et al. 2006), around irrigation pond (Takakuwa et al. 2006)
Remarks Anchomenus (Agomnum) Ogurae Bates, 1883, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond.: 258 (Japan: “Ogura Lake”) (Habu 1978e), Anchomenus (Agomnum) Ogurae Bates, Agonum Ogurae Bates, Agonum (Agonum) ogurae Bates, Lorostemma ogurae Bates, Lorostema ogurae Bates (Habu 1978e)