Ostracod Research at the Lake Biwa Museum, Japan

Robin James Smith

Genus Siamopsis Savatenalinton, 2017

Superfamily: Cypridoidea Baird, 1845
Family: Cyprididae Baird, 1845
Subfamily: Cypricercinae McKenzie, 1971

One species has been reported from Japan :

1. Siamopsis sudzukii (Okubo, 1992)

Internal view of a female left valve of Siamopsis sudzukii, length 551 microns.

Internal view of a female right valve of Siamopsis sudzukii, length 556 microns.

Additional figures in: Okubo & Terauchi 1992; Okubo 2004 (N.B. one specimen, 783, figured in Okubo 2004 is listed as a juvenile in Okubo & Terauchi 1992), Smith 2023.
Habitat: Ponds and rice fields (Okubo 2004).
Mode of life: Nektobenthic (swimmer).
Reproductive mode: Asexual.
Known distribution: Okinawa (Okubo & Terauchi 1992).
⚬ Okubo, I. 2004. Nihon tansui san kaimijinko rui ni tsuite. Kabushikigaisha Sanmon Insatsusho, Okayama, Japan, 72pp. [In Japanese, privately published].
⚬ Okubo, I. & Terauchi, M. 1992. Freshwater Ostracoda from the Southwestern Islands of Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Systematic Zoology, 46, 101-108.
⚬ Smith, R. J. 2023. Descriptions of two Cypridopsinae (Ostracoda, Crustacea) species from the Nansei Islands, Japan, with the first records of non-marine ostracods from the Daito Islands. Zootaxa, 5293 (2), 294–316.